Tuesday 29 November 2011

Film Openings

I have looked at some openings of different genres of films so that I can see how they differ and decide what titles would look appropriate on our thriller film.

Forrest Gump (1994)
Directed by- Robert Zemeckis
Genre- Comedy, Drama and Romance

IMDB short description of Forrest Gump- “Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him”

The opening of this film shows a white feather falling from the sky, the camera follows the feather as it is falling, this would have been done to show the audience the location of the film. The music used is that of a soft classical piano, the tempo of the song reflects the speed that the feather is falling. Also, the titles that overlay the image is in a classical traditional font. The feather then almost drops onto the shoulder of a respectable business man making you think he is the main character, however, it doesn’t and it blows over to a shot of a man sitting on a bench (Forrest Gump). The shot is of his dirty trainers, although he is wearing a suit, this makes the audience confused as to what type of character the man is. It then pans down to a shot of him putting the feather in a suitcase, the mise-en-scene shows he is also holding chocolates with a bow on them, this is a convention of the romance genre.

The Notebook
Directed by- Nick Cassavetes
Genre- Drama, Romance and War

IMDB short description of The Notebook- “A poor and passionate young man falls in love with a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They soon are separated by their social differences.”

The Notebook starts with an establishing shot of a picturesque lake with the sun rising, the light from the sun makes the lake a warm shade of orange. The music over the top is a very light classical piano. The size of the titles are very small and they are in the bottom left corner, I believe they may have been put in this position so that it doesn’t cover the emotive picture of the lake. The font matches the music as it is traditional and classical, they both match the conventions of a Romance. It then zooms into a shot of the silhouette of a man rowing a boat on the lake, this is when the title ‘The Notebook’ appears on the screen. A few more different shots of the man rowing appear, all of these lasting about ten seconds each, this length of shot would have been chosen to make the audience feel the emotion. The next shot is of white birds flying across the screen, the colour of the birds would symbollise the purity of the film. Then, an over the shoulder shot shows a blonde haired lady watching the lake and the birds, it then cuts to a shot of her where you see she is an old lady. The facial expressions of the lady show that she is very emotional, this opening is chosen because it represents the genre of the movie and the heartbreak of the characters.

Psycho (1960)
Directed by- Alfred Hitchcock
Genre- Horror, Mystery and Thriller

IMDB short description of Psycho- "A young woman steals $40,000 from her employer's client, and subsequently encounters a young motel proprietor too long under the domination of his mother."

Unfortunatley, I am unable to embed the video of the titles of Psycho so heres the link:

The opening titles of this film are very effective as they give off an edgy feeling, which lets the viewer know they are going to be watching a very edgy film. The music that is used has an almost pulsating rhythm to it, this would have been used so that the viewers heart started to match this rhythm and from the very beginning of the film make them believe they are already scared. The graphics used in the titles also give this effect to the viewer as they are very harsh and in sync with the panicky rhythm of the music.

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