Tuesday 29 November 2011

Conventions of a Thriller

After researching thrillers and watching the clips below I have discovered that there are many conventions of a successful thriller. They are the following:

  • Villains are usually male (although recently this gets challenged a lot)
  • Females are the victims.
  • A male hero.
  • Setting is either a place where the events that happen during the movie should not be happening e.g. a suburban street or a secluded setting.
  • Colour conventions (black=evil, white=innocence/victim, red=blood/danger)
  • Music has a chilling/tense feel to it.
  • Stalkers.
  • The fear of unknown.
  • Props used are typically a gun or a knife.
  • Fast editing to build up tension.
  • Often, the titles don’t appear over the top of the film, but before.
  • Chiaroscuro light and low key lighting.
  • Medium close ups and extreme close ups are used to create tension.
  • Shadows.
  • A chase scene.

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