Tuesday 20 December 2011

Target Audience Research

I have researched how films are rated on the British Board of Film Classification website. The knowledge I have acquired from this website I now have to decide on the age rating we should give our film. We have all came to the conclusion that our film will be classified as either a 12 or a 15. I have given you a brief overview below of all the age ratings:

Parental Guidance Universal -Suitable for All
'U' rated films are suitable for audiences aged four years and over.

Parental Guidance
'PG' films should not disturb any child around the age of 8 or older, children of any age may watch it if accompanied by an adult.

Suitable for 12 Years or Older
The category of 12A exists for films in cinemas and it means that noone younger than 12 can see the film unless accompanied by an adult.
Films with this rating may include violence, imitable behaviour, language, sex and drugs, but they must not be shown in detail and will be brief.

Suitable for 15 Years or Older
Only people ages 15 and older may watch a '15' rated film, it is virtually the same as a 12/12A rating however all the above things can be shown but will be in more detail.

Suitable for Adults Only
Noone younger than 18 years of age will be allowed to view this film in a cinema. This is because the due to The Human Rights Act 1998, at 18 you should have the freedom to choose your own entertainment.

Not only do we have to consider the age rating that we would give our film but also the type of person that would go and watch it. For example a 15 year old girl may be old enough to watch an action film but they may not want to. We have decided that our film would be aimed at older teenagers and middle aged people who like to watch  mysterious films. I also believe that males would prefer to watch it over women.

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