Friday 20 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution would distribute your product and why?

Our film was made to be a British Independent film meaning the distributor would most likely be somebody who specialises in these films. There are many ways that you can distribute a film, for example Cinema, DVD and Download. I am now going to research some companies who distribute short films as I believe this is necessary for us, I will then give a short description of the company.

Elypse are a distribution company based in spain, however, they also distribute films world wide. They have many films in their catalogue and they do not seem to have a specification for what they are looking for. They also seem easy to contact, and I believe that they would distribute our film for us.

Dazzle is a short films distributor. They are based in London and they distribute "From 90-second, digital micro-movies to super-35mm masterpieces" which means they would probably distribute our film. Also, they have an e-mail address and telephone number on the website which we can easily access.

Omni is a film distributor who also sell them on DVD. They distribute films of all lengths and genres, which would mean they would definitely be a good choice of distributor for us. On the website you can also view and purchase the DVD's they are currently distributing.

I believe that our best chance of getting our film distributed would be by Dazzle because of the length of our film. Another way we could get our film seen would be at a film festival, however we would have to research into which film festivals will show a 2 minute beginning to a film.

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