Friday 27 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do your feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that I have made alot of progress from the preliminary task till now. Not only have I learnt alot about the film making process and how to make a professional looking film but I feel I have also learnt alot about what it takes to work in a team and organising team projects.

Above I have embedded my preliminary task and my completed film for easier reference.

One of the things that I found did not go so well in my preliminary task is the continuity when Lewis chases Dean through the door at 0:55. I believe that this continuity issue was then corrected at 1:01 in 'Sins of the Father' when the car door opens (match-on-action). Also, our sound was an issue in our preliminary task so we tried our hardest to make sure that it was better in our final film.

We learnt throughout the year that it is very difficult to cut footage so that you do not create a jumpcut and the film flows smoothly. Because of this we always made sure that we were very careful and checked for any mistakes.

The character of the caretaker in our preliminary task was not very convincing as we did not choose his costume, whereas, in Sins of the Father we have dressed the actors to fit their characters profiles. For example, we have dressed the stepfather in a shirt and trousers to show that he has a high social status.

I have learnt alot about the process of making a film from the research to the final product. Another thing I have learnt is that working as a group can be quite difficult if work is not completed by every group member and so it is important to do your fair share during any group work.

I feel that the most important thing I have learnt is that time management skills are just as important as media skills when making a film. Overall, I have found this year very interesting and have enjoyed my time in media studies.

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