Thursday 29 March 2012

Final Cut

This is our final cut.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Re-shoots and Re-edits

After hearing our feedback from our peers we made the following changes:
-We changed the name of the title to Sins of the Father, and made the typewriter effect quicker.
-We added an indent to the start to make it look more professional.
-We did a textual overlay on the flashback so that the audience know its 10 years earlier.
-We recording a shot of the dad looking at a picture of the young girl and edited it in after the flashback.

Unfortunately, we were unable to overdub the sound of the dialogue due to not being able to get the same actors, however, we feel that this minor problem does not effect our film that much and we are now happy with the finished product.

Target Audience Feedback

We showed our peers our rough cut on 20th March so that we could get feedback. Above I have embedded the recording from that day. They suggested that our title needs to be quicker and the name should be changed to something more sinister, therefore we are going to change the speed and have decided to change the name to Sins of the Father...

They also pointed out that we did not have an ident so we are adding one to the start with our production name 'DOMINO.M.G', this will be in the typewriter effect to match the titles. Another thing they pointed out was that the dialogue was a bit quiet, we plan to improve this by overdubbing the sound.

As we thought may have happened, our peeps did not understand why the flashback was there. This has led us to decide that for the flashback it would be useful to have a textual overlay so that the viewer fully understands that it is in the past.Also, we are going to add a point of view shot of the dad looking at a picture of the young girl to show the audience that the picture is what triggered the flashback.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Rough Cut

This is our rough cut. We believe that it is quite successful and that there are not many changes that we need to make. We are happy with the eerie feeling that the film gives off as this was our aim when making the film. One thing we think the viewers may not understand is the flashback, so we are going to show it to our peers on Tuesday 13th March to see whether this is how they feel. We will then make changes to our film to make it the best it can possibly be.

Editing the Footage

We edited our film in Final Cut Express. We did this by capturing the footage and then cutting and editing together the shots onto the timeline. Once we decided that all the shots were edited together correctly, we then started to add effects. One of the effects we used was sepia, we added this to every clip to make it look a little bit darker, we then changed the amount of sepia so that it was just a slight colour change. 
We made the amount of sepia quite high on the flashback to show that it was the past.
For the flashback we also used a transition to make it fade back into real time. We also made the last shot dissolve into the titles to create a dramatic effect. 
For the indent and title we used a black background with white typewriter effect, we decided to use this as we believe the simplicity adds to the eerie feeling of the film. 

Shooting on Location

On Tuesday 28th February we shot outside Bloxwich Police Station and outside GWPAHS, this was our first time of filming together and it went really well, we got the shots that we needed for our film, including a establishing shot of the police station which went very well and we will use in our film at the beginning.

The next bit we filmed was on Wednesday 29th February at Rebecca's house, during this time we attempted to film the flashback scene with a young child, this was very unsuccessful as she found it difficult to act with strangers she did not know, because of this we had to shoot this scene again but with a different little girl. This time we decided to use an older girl so that we could focus on our filming techniques rather than a younger child. We did this on Monday 5th March and it went very well, as we got all the footage we needed and we believe that this turned out to be one of our best shots.

On Tuesday 6th March we filmed again outside GWPAHS for a number of hours, most the shots in our film were recored in this time. The only problem that we found during our filming was that it was quite windy so the voices in these shots are a bit quieter.

Preparing for the Shoot

To be able to shoot our film we will need the following equipment:
-Canon Video Camera
-Tripod and Adapter

This is an image of a tripod that we will be using. We use this so that we get steady shots.

This is an image of the type of camera that we will be using to shoot our film.

We have assigned roles to each person, these are as follows:
Sound recording-Rebecca and Jess
Managing actors and distributing scripts- Dean
Monitoring continuity- Dean
Costumes- Laura

We now feel like we are ready to begin shooting our film and feel confident that it will go well.