Wednesday 15 February 2012

Costume Research

Real Dad

This is a picture of Mike Delfino out of Desperate Housewives, he is an ex-convict and he has stubble and a mysterious look about him, this is the type of person we want to play the real father. However, we want him to wear all black as black represents bad people.


We have decided that we want the stepfather to be wearing a suit like the man in this picture, this is so that he looks like he is higher up on the social hierarchy than the real dad implying he is a better person.

Teenage Girl and her Friends

I have chosen this image from the Inbetweeners because it shows the teenagers all in the same school uniform but worn differently, the main teenage girl would be the girl on the right with her tie undone as this would show she is quite a naughty character.

Younger Version of Teenage Girl

I have chosen this image of a young girl because she is looking cute as she is looking up, this is the type of shot that we want in the flashback as she looks very innocent.

Young Mom

This image of quite a young mother is the type of person we want to play our young mom as she is very fresh faced and looks asif she could do no harm and is motherly.

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