Sunday 22 January 2012

Presentation of Treatment

We presented our treatment to Mr Hood and had a very lengthy discussion about it. It was said that there were no actual issues with our treatment, however, after discussion we have decided to add a back story to the father. We want to imply to the audience that he is a dangerous man without using dialogue, therefore we are going to add a scene at the start with him walking out of a prison, however, we will have to pick costumes carefully to show that he is in fact an ex-prisoner rather than a prison officer.

Ideas were discussed to actually see him be arrested but to not complicate filming we decided against this and instead we are just changing the flashback scene, we are going to add sirens into the background to give the illusion the police are on their way to arrest him as the mother is leaving. This way the audience will understand that the girl is his daughter who he hasnt saw because he has been in jail.  We also decided that instead of the father becoming enraged about hearing the girl call the stepdad 'Dad', that the stepdad would slap the girl.

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